Review of the Urban Plan and By-laws
The revision of the Val-des-Monts Master Plan and Planning By-laws is part of the five-year review of the municipality's planning tools. Its aim is to ensure their concordance with the revised Schéma d'aménagement et de développement (SADR) of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais, which came into force on February 6, 2020.
Since the last urban plan dates back to 1999, the revision exercise is also an opportunity to adapt the by-laws to the new realities of the environment, to re-evaluate the urban planning and land management tools, and even to correct various problems encountered in recent years with the by-laws in force.
The municipality wishes to hear from its citizens on the draft urban plan and by-laws. These will be presented in detail at the public consultation scheduled for August 10, 2021.
Review of the Urban Plan and By-laws
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